Meraloma Touch Competitive League

Meraloma Touch Social League

Meraloma Touch is part of the storied, century-old Meraloma Club and plays out of the Loma's unique, heritage listed clubhouse.

Meraloma Touch hosts informal pick-up games on Thursday @18:30 throughout spring and summer, as well as a Monday night league from May to July.

Current Playing Location,-123.217052,12z/data=!4m10!1m2!2m1!1squeen+elizabeth+elementary!3m6!1s0x5486731d75bb69c9:0x8fbc2522b0853e99!8m2!3d49.2577316!4d-123.1975171!15sChpxdWVlbiBlbGl6YWJldGggZWxlbWVudGFyeZIBEWVsZW1lbnRhcnlfc2Nob29s4AEA!16zL20vMGZjMTNn?entry=ttu